Consistency versus motivation

An automatic response to a specific situation

I write this as I’m motivated to put my thoughts onto ‘paper’ to share how to get some successes in your nutrition and exercise. However, I’m not a consistent writer, I find it hard, I doubt myself and I procrastinate when trying to write content. My exercise is a different matter – I’m consistent, born out of over 30 years of doing regular exercise in one form or another. Yes, the instensity and frequency have changed but its been a consistent part of my life. I find it fairly easy to get my backside up and out to move – it’s a habit.

My nutrition has wavered between motivated and consistent. The past few years it has been consistent, with better overall choices, but this wasn’t always the case. Learning about consistency helped me change and develop.

Why am I telling you this? You need to find consistency for long term goals. Motivating is a fleeting feeling that sadly doesn’t last.

Goal – have a smart goal (Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant/realisitc and timebound). The goal is important, but the journey to the goal is the key. How are you going to get to the goal? By being consistent with a plan. Whether it’s food or exercise, if you’re looking to make some changes, you’re going to need to work at it, it’s not just going to happen without some thought and planning.

Tiny changes make big differences

Habits – Cue, routine, reward

Cue – this can be a time of day. It may be the hour in the evening where you prep your lunch for the following day, or the 6am alarm call to get your body off to the gym come rain, wind or shine. If you live by your calendar, make it an appointment – an appointment with yourself. You are important.

Routine – Your lunch prep has a routine with key ingredients that are now staples in your fridge and cupboard to ensure you’ve a balanced, filling and nutritious meal to see you through the working day. Your exercise is no different – even the best follow a programme. Don’t just turn up, turn up with a purpose and a routine. Follow your programme – trust me you’ll feel better for it.

Reward – The feeling of completing your work out or getting through the week having made consistently positive food choices is highly satisfying.

Don’t be afraid to fail – consistency isn’t always plain sailing, I speak from experience. Don’t beat yourself up if you have a wobble. Tomorrow’s another day!