My Journey


With a background in nutrition, sports & health over the past twenty-five years, I can combine this knowledge to guide my clients towards their chosen goals. Throughout this time I’ve seen the importance of connecting nutrition and lifestyle choices to improve an individual’s health – especially my own!

Mastering Nutrition was founded to enable clients to master their own health through nutrition, exercise and wellness.

My aim is to provide you with the tools, support and education in order to promote and empower you for a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.

I work with clients on a one-to-one basis providing nutritional therapy and lifestyle coaching through a food first approach.

I’ve tried and experimented so many times with my nutrition, it was only after truly understanding what goes on in the body that it all began to click.


Learning that a balance between nutrition and exercise can overcome so many health issues, if only we trust the journey and have patience.


As a Nutritional therapist I’ll always look for a food first approach. Finding ways for clients to embrace new foods and fall back in love with old ones is a passion. We seem to have fallen out of fashion with cooking food and it’s only in recent times we’re beginning to realise just how important it is to make some time for preparing and eating real food in our busy lives.


Rest can come in so many forms, not just sleep. Our body and minds are continually bombarded with ‘noise’ and finding time to switch off is a key component to a healthy status. Educating clients and providing the tools to find peace is an all important part of the process.


With a background in health & fitness and a passion for sport, embracing movement is a key part. We’re designed to move daily, despite modern life encouraging us to be sedentary. Feeling the benefits of daily movement for the body and mind can be inspiring and life changing.